How to start ============ First, you will need to obtain a certificate signed by SMOK sp. z o. o. Contact Piotr Maslanka_ to have you do that. A certificate is valid either for production_ or for testing_ environments. .. _Maslanka: .. _production: .. _testing: Then you will need to think of what pathpoints your device supports. SMOK sensors are a server-side construct, so your device thinks in pathpoints. A pathpoint is a single value, that can be read and written to by SMOK. An example pathpoint would be a single MODBUS register. You can view the example_, or keep on reading these docs. .. _example: What exactly does smok-client handle for me -------------------------------------------- It handles: * executing read and write orders * executing message and wait orders * handling archiving of pathpoints * handling scheduled execution of macros * buffering data about executed macros, opened events and readed data until a contact with the server can be made Starting with some code ----------------------- First of all, you need to subclass SMOKDevice and define the method :meth:`~smok.client.SMOKDevice.provide_unknown_pathpoint`. .. code-block:: python from smok.client import SMOKDevice from smok.basics import StorageLevel from smok.pathpoint import Pathpoint, AdviseLevel, PathpointValueType from concurrent.futures import Future class MyModbusRegister(Pathpoint): def on_read(advise: AdviseLevel) -> Future: ... def on_write(value: PathpointValueType, advise: AdviseLevel) -> Future: ... class MyDevice(SMOKDevice): def __init__(self): super().__init__('path to cert file', 'path to key file', 'path to pickle for predicates') sd = MyDevice() pp = MyModbusRegister('W1', StorageLevel.TREND) sd.register_pathpoint(pp) A very important method of your custom class is :meth:`~smok.client.SMOKDevice.provide_unknown_pathpoint`. When smok-client encounters an unknown pathpoint (for example, an order for it was made) it tries to create it. This method should provide this pathpoint. Note that it doesn't need to provide pathpoints that you will create and register manually. If a pathpoint cannot be found, and smok-client should ignore the order sent to it, it should raise `KeyError`. The pickle for predicates will be used for persisting the state of alarm detectors, aka :term:`predicate` . Note that first letter of the pathpoint defines it's type. Allowed are: .. autoclass:: smok.pathpoint.PathpointType :members: If you need to coerce a value to target pathpoint's type, use the following method: .. autofunction:: smok.pathpoint.to_type If the first letter is `r`, then the type of the pathpoint is declared by the second letter. This pathpoint will be called a :term:`reparse` pathpoint The rest represents an expression, where other pathpoint are taken in braces and the resulting expression is evaluated. This is called a reparse pathpoint, and you don't need to deal directly with them. You just need to provide the non-reparse, ie. :term:`native` pathpoints. Eg. a reparse pathpoint that would be a sum of two other pathpoints would be: ``` rW{W1r4002}+{W1r4002} ``` You should override two calls, ie. :meth:`~smok.pathpoint.Pathpoint.on_read` and :meth:`~smok.pathpoint.Pathpoint.on_write`. By default they do nothing, not even read their pathpoints. :meth:`~smok.pathpoint.Pathpoint.on_read` may return: * a value - in that case it will be the pathpoint's value * raise an `OperationFailedError` - in that case it will be the pathpoint's value * return a `Future`, that results in: * a value - in that case it will be the pathpoint's value * raises an `OperationFailedError` - in that case it will be the pathpoint's value :meth:`~smok.pathpoint.Pathpoint.on_write` may return a `Future`, or it may just return a None to signal that write has been successfully completed. The future must complete when the write finishes, and it may either return a None to signal that the write went OK, or it may raise an `OperationFailedError` to signal that it went wrong. Operations will be retried according to their :term:`advise level` policy. .. autoclass:: smok.exceptions.OperationFailedError :members: A reason has to be given, it is an enum .. autoclass:: smok.exceptions.OperationFailedReason :members: The operation will be automatically retried, depending of the :term:`advise level` of the command. When you're done, don't forget to close the `SMOKDevice`, since it spawns 3 threads and makes temporary files with the certificate content, if you provide them not by files, but by file-like objects. During invoking the :meth:`smok.pathpoint.Pathpoint.get` you might get the previous exceptions, but also a new one: .. autoclass:: smok.exceptions.NotReadedError :members: .. code-block:: python sd.close() # this may block for like 10 seconds Logging ------- You might want to set the logging level for :code:`ngtt` to :code:`ERROR`, since it will spam with different messages up to :code:`WARNING` in severity for it's normal operation. Threads ------- :class:`~rapid.client.SMOKDevice` spawns 4 threads to help it out with it's chores. They are as follows: * :code:`CommunicatorThread` handles communication with the SMOK server, and following things: * reading macros (tasks to be executed in the future) * synchronizes :ref:`BAOBs` * fetches orders to execute on :code:`OrderExecutorThread` * synchronizes pathpoints and sensors * synchronizes and executes :ref:`predicates` * :code:`ArchivingAndMacroThread` takes care of reading the pathpoints that are archived, about executing macros, and synchronizes the metadata in the background. * :code:`OrderExecutorThread` handles the loop executing orders. * :code:`LogPublisherThread` handles publishing your logs to the SMOK server :class:`~smok.client.SMOKDevice` also creates 2 temporary files which will hold the device certificate and private key, if the certificate and private key is given not as a path to file, but as raw :code:`bytes` data. . These are cleaned up on :meth:`~smok.client.SMOKDevice.close`. .. note:: You can opt not to launch first three threads. The log publisher thread will always start. .. warning:: This will fetch macros every 30 minutes, so don't schedule events to happen sooner than 30 minutes from now on, they are likely to be missed (but still will be executed). Nearly all of the callbacks that you provide will be called in the context of one of aforementioned threads. It will be documented which thread calls your callback. All metadata calls are blocking so far. Metadata is best utilized when there's an Internet uplink. It is not advised, due to performance reasons, to use it locally. List of basic classes ===================== SMOKDevice ---------- .. autoclass:: smok.client.SMOKDevice :members: Pathpoint --------- .. autoclass:: smok.pathpoint.Pathpoint :members: .. autoclass:: smok.pathpoint.ReparsePathpoint :members: :code:`smok-client` will handle reparse pathpoints automatically for you, so you don't need to concern yourself with them being called as part of :meth:`smok.client.SMOKDevice.provide_unknown_pathpoint`. Enums ----- .. autoclass:: smok.pathpoint.AdviseLevel :members: .. autoclass:: smok.basics.StorageLevel :members: .. autoclass:: smok.basics.Environment :members: Executing orders ---------------- If you want to read given pathpoint, just do the following: .. code-block:: python read_order = sd.execute(read_order) Note that any :class:`smok.pathpoint.orders.Section` is also a perfectly valid `Future`, so you may cancel it and wait for it's result: .. code-block:: python read_order.result() Sadly, the completion of a Section just means that all orders have been executed, it bears no relevance **how** they completed. You may even cancel it: .. code-block:: python if read_order.cancel(): print('Successfully cancelled') Custom order-execution loop --------------------------- If you want to write a custom order-execution loop, just override :meth:`smok.client.SMOKDevice.execute_section`. It will accept a single argument of :class:`~smok.pathpoint.orders.Section`, about which you can read up in :ref:`orders`. You will also need to provide a method :meth:`smok.client.SMOKDevice.sync_sections` to block until all orders from previous section have been completed. Both of these methods will be called by the `OrderExecutorThread`.