Glossary ======== .. glossary:: Native A native pathpoint is a readable endpoint. It tells it's own value, it's value does not depend on other pathpoint Reparse A reparse pathpoint starts with a `r`, then goes it's type, and the remaining is an expression with other pathpoints taken in braces `{}`. The value of the reparse pathpoint is the result of the expression. Writing a reparse pathpoint is a no-op. You don't need to care about implementing and providing these, smok-client will demand you to provide only :term:`native` pathpoints. Statistic A base class for predicate. Generally the logic, that given some configuration watches over an aspect of the system, and reports events when something goes wrong (or just if a condition is reached). Predicate An instance of a statistic, identified by it's predicate ID. Slave device A slave device is a device that works under it's :term:`master controller`. Meaning it writes pathpoint values with the device ID of it's master controller. Master controller A single device, that is seen by the user as whole. Composed at least of a single :term:`slave` Point event A event that occurs at a point in time. It does not span a period, and it's created in state closed. Color A severity of an event. Red is highest, yellow is medium and white is the least severe. Pathpoint Essentially a named, typed variable. It's first letter of the name (path) identifies it's type. This should correspond 1:1 to measure points, eg. temperature sensors and so on. Sensor Information processed from pathpoints to be displayed to the user. Server manages these. It consists of one (or more) pathpoints, has a type and a tag name. Tag name Set of words separated by space identifying given sensor. Note that a set has no meaning of order, so "ud test" is the same as "test ud" FQTS Fully-Qualified Tag System, or a canonical representation of a tag name, is the tag name split by space, entries sorted and joined with a " ". Advise level A QoS of a read/write order as presented to the system. Advise means best-effort, while force will pack much more, and it is allowed to non-executable-right-now writes to block the order queue. There are two advise levels: * `AdviseLevel.ADVISE` - best effort * `AdviseLevel.FORCE` - carry out this order for sure For example, calendar-issued writes have the `FORCE` advise level.